Communities and Justice

Youth Consult for Change

The DCJ Youth Consult for Change program, also known as UC Change, is a lived experience consultative group coordinated by the Office of the Senior Practitioner.

Each member of the group has their own experience of being in out-of-home care (OOHC). They are aged between 16 and 21 years old and live across NSW. Youth Consultants are appointed for 24 months and are trained, supported and paid for their participation.

The purpose of UC Change is to provide consultation that supports DCJ to continue to improve practice with children and families across NSW.  Consultants use their experiences and knowledge to provide advice and critique to DCJ. Their expert advice is then used to improve the services and support offered to children and young people in OOHC by making sure DCJs work is both responsive to their needs and actively promotes their wellbeing.

What does UC Change consult on?

UC Change is a powerful force for building the ability and responsiveness of DCJ in our work with young people. Whilst the primary purpose of the group is to provide consultation to units across DCJ, UC Change also does receive requests for external consultations. Acceptance of these requests is determined on a case-by-case basis.

Consultations can be held with the group on a variety of subjects, including but not limited to:

  • programs, tools or communication strategies for young people in OOHC
  • policy and strategy designed to improve outcomes for children and young people we are working with
  • advice and consultation about a particular project or program that will impact the lives of young people, or will benefit from their input and insight.

How to request a consult

You can request a consultation with UC Change by If you have any questions, please contact the program coordinator via the Youth Consult for Change mailbox

Last updated:

07 Jun 2024