District Court New South Wales

Judges contact details

Chief Judge Associate Phone
The Honourable Justice S Huggett Chambers Justice Huggett (02) 9377 5821


Judges Associate Phone
His Honour Judge A J Abadee Ms S Tarr (02) 9377 5825
His Honour Judge T D Anderson SC Associate to Judge Anderson (02) 9287 7421
His Honour Judge K Andronos SC Associate to Judge Andronos (02) 9287 7462
His Honour Judge D U Arnott SC Associate to Judge Arnott (02) 9377 5368
His Honour Judge H Baker SC Associate to Judge Baker (02) 9287 7456
Her Honour Judge J A Baly SC Associate to Judge Baly (02) 9377 5709
His Honour Judge D Barrow SC Associate to Judge Barrow (02) 9377 5534
​Her Honour Judge S F Beckett
Associate to Judge Beckett ​(02) 9287 7559
​His Honour Judge I D Bourke SC
Mr J Aldenhoven
​(02) 9287 7491
His Honour Judge G Brady SC Ms R Hasler (02) 9377 5537
​​Her Honour Judge T Bright Associate to Judge Bright ​(02) 4304 6942
​His Honour Judge M Buscombe Mr T Wang ​​(02) 9377 5134
His Honour Judge J W Catsanos SC Associate to Judge Catsanos (02) 9377 5155
Her Honour Judge S Cole Associate to Judge Cole (02) 9377 5191
His Honour Judge A M Colefax SC Associate to Judge Colefax (02) 8688 4642
Her Honour Judge J A Culver Mr N Lynch (02) 9377 5338
Her Honour Judge P A David Associate to Judge David (02) 9287 7446
​His Honour Judge M Dicker SC Ms J Kahl
​(02) 9377 5361
His Honour Judge R Ellis Chambers of Judge Ellis (02) 4921 2341
Her Honour Judge J A English Mr M Aoun (02) 9377 5822
His Honour Judge C M Everson SC Mr R Chbib (02) 9377 5143
His Honour Judge W M Fitzsimmons SC Associate to Judge Fitzsimmons (02) 9377 5061
Her Honour Judge L Flannery SC Associate to Judge Flannery (02) 9287 7452
Her Honour Judge L Gallagher Ms N Baker (02) 9287 7478
​His Honour Judge T H Gartelmann SC Ms C Berrigan (02) 4921 2313
Her Honour Judge S J Gibb Ms B Kosmas (02) 9377 5635
Her Honour Judge J C Gibson Mr G Yang (02) 9377 5044
​Her Honour Judge J A Girdham SC ​Ms S Gray
​(02) 9377 5707
​His Honour Judge S Grant Ms B Hamdy ​(02) 9377 5823
His Honour Judge A C Haesler SC Ms S Matias (02) 42​23 3741 
His Honour Judge S S Hanley SC  Ms Kylie Rogan (02) 8688 4641
​Her Honour Judge S Harris
Ms G Henderson ​(02) 9377 5638
​Her Honour Judge S P Herbert Mr S Eshow ​(02) 9287 7442
Her Honour Judge P J Hock Mr T Wang  (02) 9287 7434
Her Honour Judge S Hopkins Associate to Judge Hopkins (02) 9377 5198
His Honour Judge R Hudson Mr A Fischhof (02) 9287 7448
​His Honour Judge P G Ingram SC Ms L Rivkin ​(02) 9377 5316
His Honour Judge C V Jeffreys Ms J Gray

(02) 9287 7432


His Honour Judge T Jones Associate to Judge Jones (02) 9377 5815
His Honour Judge M King SC Associate to Judge King (02) 9287 7409
Her Honour Judge M Kumar Associate to Judge Kumar (02) 9377 5148
His Honour Judge G B Lerve Ms L Cross
(02) 6922 0967
His Honour Judge P G Mahony SC Ms M Farahbakht (02) 9377 5786
His Honour Judge P J McGrath SC Associate to Judge McGrath (02) 9377 5373
His Honour Judge P R McGuire SC Associate to Judge McGuire (02) 9377 5619
His Honour Judge M McHugh SC Chambers of Judge McHugh (02) 9287 7430
Her Honour Judge C Mendes Associate to Judge Mendes (02) 9377 5052
​His Honour Judge R Montgomery Mr T Qian ​​(02) 9377 5712
Her Honour Judge J Mottley AM Ms E Macleay / 
Ms A Mitchell
(02) 8688 4512
Her Honour Judge P M Musgrave Associate to Judge Musgrave (02) 9377 5696
His Honour Judge G W Neilson Mr H Luke (02) 9377 5375
His Honour Judge C R C Newlinds SC Mr C De Peau (02) 9287 7444
His Honour Judge G Newton Associate to Judge Newton  
​Her Honour Judge N Noman SC  Associate to Judge Noman ​(02) 9377 5645
His Honour Judge C G O'Brien AM
Associate to Judge O'Brien ​(02) 9377 5827
Her Honour Judge E M Olsson SC Ms M Brown
(02) 9287 7464
​Her Honour Judge G O'Rourke SC
Mr I Boothby ​(02) 9287 7438
Her Honour Judge D J Payne Ms S Meehan (02) 9287 7102
​His Honour Judge G M Phillips
Ms M Hannah
​(02) 9289 1740
​His Honour Judge J H Pickering SC Ms C Chambers ​(02) 9377 5716
​His Honour Judge J J Priestley SC
Associate to Judge Priestley ​(02) 9377 5651
Her Honour Judge K E Robinson Ms L Johnson (02) 9377 5657
His Honour Judge D Russell SC Ms D Mageropoulos (02) 9377 5322
His Honour Judge A Scotting Associate to Judge Scotting (02) 9377 5120
​Her Honour Judge K N Shead SC Associate to Judge Shead ​(02) 9287 7480
His Honur Judge D Scully Associate to Judge Scully  
Her Honour Judge E Skinner Associate to Judge Skinner (02) 8688 1463
His Honour Judge C J Smith SC Associate to Judge C Smith (02) 9287 7484
​His Honour Judge J D Smith SC
Associate to Judge J Smith ​(02) 9377 5618
His Honour Judge M Smith Associate to Judge M Smith (02) 9377 5131
Her Honour Judge T L Smith SC Associate to Judge T Smith (02) 9377 5706
Her Honour Judge W Strathdee Ms S Hampton (02) 9377 5344
​His Honour Judge R F Sutherland SC Ms J Douglas Oliveira ​(02) 9287 7440
​Her Honour Judge C M Traill
Associate to Judge Traill ​(02) 9377 5152
Her Honour Judge R C Tupman Ms L Foss (02) 9377 5653
​His Honour Judge W G Turnbull SC
Mr J Nikoletatos ​(02) 9287 7450
Her Honour Judge G L Turner Ms J Brown (02) 9377 5137
​Her Honour Judge P M Wass SC Associate to Judge Wass ​(02) 9287 7466
His Honour Judge G R Waugh SC Ms L Chester (02) 9377 5301
​His Honour Judge R J Weber SC
Mr F Trimboli ​(02) 9377 5378
His Honour Judge M L Williams SC Ms L ​Foss​
(02) 9377 5131
​Her Honour Judge N L Williams
Ms H Khoury ​(02) 8688 4649
​His Honour Judge D Wilson SC Associate to Judge Wilson ​(02) 9287 7436
Her Honour Judge D M L Woodburne SC Judicial Support (02) 9377 5633
President of the Dust Disease Tribunal Associate to President of the Dust Disease Tribunal  Phone
The Honourable Justice S Huggett Ms T Curry (02) 9377 5821
Dust Disease Tribunal Judges Associate Phone
His Honour Judge A Scotting Ms L Waite (02) 9377 5120
His Honour Judge D Russell SC Ms D Mageropoulos (02) 9377 5322
Her Honour Judge W Strathdee Ms S Hampton (02) 9377 5344
Acting District Court Judges Judicial Support Phone
ADCJ A Ainslie-Wallace Judicial Support (02) 9287 7875
ADCJ A S Balla Judicial Support (02) 9287 7875
ADCJ J L A Bennett SC Judicial Support (02) 9287 7875
ADCJ P G Berman SC Judicial Support (02) 9287 7875
ADCJ A M Blackmore SC Judicial Support (02) 9287 7875
ADCJ I Coleman SC Judicial Support (02) 9287 7875
ADCJ P V Conlon SC Judicial Support (02) 9287 7875
ADCJ J P Curtis Judicial Support (02) 9287 7875
ADCJ G Henson Judicial Support (02) 9287 7875
ADCJ M Latham Judicial Support (02) 9287 7875
ADCJ L A Levy SC Judicial Support (02) 9287 7875
ADCJ M C Marien SC Judicial Support (02) 9287 7875
ADCJ A M Quirk Judicial Support (02) 9287 7875
ADCJ A Townsden Judicial Support (02) 9287 7875
Last updated:

07 Feb 2025

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