District Court New South Wales

Interpreters and translators

Contacting courts or tribunals by telephone

If you or someone you know needs an interpreter when you contact a court or tribunal, use the free Translating and Interpreting Service (TIS). Call 131 450 and tell them the telephone number you need to contact. An interpreter will call the number while you are on the phone and translate what the person on the line says to you.

Need an interpreter for court?

For some types of proceedings, the court or tribunal can arrange interpreters. The court or tribunal can also bear the costs of interpreters. Examples of matters in which the court or tribunal can arrange an interpreter include:

If you are not sure whether an interpreter can be arranged for you, contact ​the registry of the courthouse or tribunal which you will be attending.

To request an interpreter, contact the ​relevant registry. If possible, do this at least one week before the date you need to attend court.  If you are in court or in a tribunal, tell the judicial officer that you need an interpreter. An interpreter will be arranged for your next court or tribunal appearance.

Arranging your own interpreter

For most civil proceedings, you must arrange and pay for your own interpreter. You can arrange an interpreter through the  NSW Community Relations Commission Language Services Unit - external site , or any accredited independent interpreting service. You can search for interpreters by language and location on the website of the National Accreditation Authority for Translators and Interpreters - external site (NAATI).

Interpreters for court and tribunal proceedings must have at least a level 3 accreditation from NAATI.

Translation services

If you need documents translated for a court or tribunal matter, you can arrange a translator through the NSW ​Community Relations Commission Language Services Unit​ - external site , or any accredited independent translator.

The Department of Social Services - external site provides a free translation service for non-English speaking people settling permanently in Australia. This service can be used only by eligible people in the first two years after entry to Australia.

Last updated:

09 May 2023

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