District Court New South Wales

Support for witnesses and victims

These are some of the support services available for witnesses.

Victims Services

Part of the Department of Justice, Victims Services - external site gives information on court support for witnesses and victims of crime in its highly informative website. 

It has links to services for witnesses or victims with particular needs, for example people with cognitive disabilities. Your time at court is a special section aimed at witnesses who need to give evidence.

Witness Assistance Service

Witness Assistance Service - external site (WAS) is a NSW service for witnesses and victims of crime appearing in court cases prosecuted by the Office of the Director of Public Prosecutions (ODPP).

WAS provides information about:

  • what to expect at court
  • your rights and entitlements, such as victims compensation
  • the stage your case is at in the court system
  • other services and supports that are available to you

Preparing a witness statement

If you need to write a witness statement, LawAssist NSW has instructions - external site for preparing witness statements and samples of completed statements.

Telephone LawAccess NSW at 1300 888 529.

Remote witness facilities

Remote witness facilities allow vulnerable witnesses, such as children or victims of sexual assault, to give evidence from a room that is separate from the courtroom. 

If you have concerns about giving evidence in a courtroom, speak to the prosecutor or your solicitor about making a request to use remote witness facilities.

Last updated:

09 May 2023

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