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Learning and development activities to promote healthy relationships

Flexible activity

Learning and development activities that underpin aspects of the Prosocial skills and relationship-building core component. Specifically, these activities enable skill-building around communication, active listening and conflict resolution skills. This can include learning about positive peer relationships, managing relationships, the impact of social networks on health and risk-taking, conflict resolution and communication, and active listening.

There is a great deal of underlying theory and principle-based learning that underpins skills associated with establishing and maintaining healthy and prosocial relationships. This activity imparts this foundational information to ground and introduce skill-building around communication and managing prosocial relationships.

How can it be implemented?

This content can be delivered via structured or unstructured learning, multimedia or social media platforms, interactive sessions, review sessions and through home-learning, homework and at-home practice.

Structured learning:

  • Structured learning includes lessons or educational messages that follow a protocol, plan or guide. Examples include established curriculum delivered by trained facilitators.

Unstructured learning:

  • Unstructured learning includes lessons or educational messages that do not follow a prescribed pattern or sequence. This allows facilitators to deliver content in a manner more tailored and responsive to their program participants.

Multimedia or social media platforms:

  • Educational content can be delivered via web platforms, social media platforms, audio and/or visual streaming platforms and via text messaging.

Interactive sessions:

  • Educational content can also be delivered via interactive sessions including via group discussion, group work, peer learning, modelling and/or performances.

Review sessions:

  • Review sessions that reinforce learned educational content can assist to summarise key messages and embed learning.

Homework, at-home practice and written assignments:

  • Homework, at-home practice and written assignments can also reinforce learned content.

Who is the target group?

This flexible activity has been implemented with a number of different target groups. Key characteristics include:

  • 14-17 year-old male students
  • Adolescent primary care patients aged 14-18
  • Adolescent girls aged 13-17 at high-risk for pregnancy
  • Students enrolled in continuation high schools
  • School students from schools that serve primarily racial and/or ethnic minority students from low socioeconomic backgrounds
  • Students attending alternative education schools

What programs conduct this activity?

  • In Guy Talk, one of eight educational sessions focuses on building positive peer groups, friendships and leadership skills. Another session focuses on managing relationships.
  • In Motivational Interviewing integrated with Social Network Counselling, students learn about the concept of social network and its influence on health.
  • In Prime Time, participants partake in a standardised 15-session curriculum addressing social influences on sexual behaviours, sexual decision-making and contraceptive use. Additionally, participants learn about conflict resolution skills and expectations for a healthy relationship.
  • During the Project Towards No Drug Abuse (TND), students are introduced to the concept and importance of active listening.
  • In the Resilience Builder Program, didactic topics canvassed include personal space, initiating and maintaining conversations, and leadership. These are delivered via interactive didactic components, free play, behavioural rehearsal and exercises.
  • In Transformative Life Skills (TLS), lessons are divided into four units, one of which focuses on building healthy relationships.

What else should I consider?

Learning and development activities should take into account the age and developmental maturity of the targeted cohort. Educational materials and lessons should be age-appropriate and where relevant, culturally sensitive and appropriate.

If online or video activities are going to be implemented, service providers and participants will require access to devices and/or software to view and engage with the content.

Further resources

Last updated:

24 Nov 2022

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